Senin, 22 November 2010

blog yang bikinnya karena disuruh

Demikian email bos ku yang kadang suka jijai bajaj tralala:


We are thinking of developing a competition for students (junior/senior high school + university) where the winners will get exposure on media.

Yang di expose will have to be their writing (articles/blogs) yang related to “how to use telecommunications to get the most out of life”.

This idea is still in the making but will have to move fast if it gets approved.

For this I need to develop some prototype blogs on different areas of interests.

Therefore I am giving everyone a task on writing a short essay. 300 – 400 words (half page only) on these topics:

1. College life & work (LENA)

2. Keeping up to date and using gadgets (BONDAN)

3. Travelling (SISCA)

4. Stock trading (RONALD)

5. Cooking (IRMA)

6. Cycling (HADI)

7. Photography (DODO)

8. Zulfan mikir ndiri soalnya gue ngak tahu hobby nya apa J

9. Optional (ngak wajib) : preparing for your new baby (VIVI)

You need to write a short essay that looks like a diary that tells what you did last week related to the topic, and how you used telecommunications (voice, sms, data) to get the most of life related to the topic (which I assume is each of you hobbies).

Yang pertama submit dapet oleh2 tambahan dari turki

Deadline Rabu pagi before 10 AM.

Awas kalo ngak ada at least 3 people yang submit maka ngak ada makan2 ulang tahun gue. And it will be YOUR FAULT COLLECTIVELY J

Another idea is : kalo udah ada 3 yang submit, yang ngak submit ngak ditraktir hehehe… Tapi peraturan terakhir ini lihat nanti deh hehehe…

inilah blog pemaksaan yang gak jelas juga intinya apaan. yg penting bikin.

Judul blog: 449 kata

Anak2 S2 kelas malam di kampusku 80 persen karyawan, karena kudu punya pengalaman kerja minimum 2 tahun, so gak ada fresh grad. Mereka semua pekerja dan punya kehidupan sendiri diluar kampus. Ada yg lagi hamil lah, mao kawin lah, baru kawin lah, punya 2 anak lah, remponglahh. So tentunya susah bertemu dihari biasa, padahal tugas menumpuk kayak gila dan gak bisa nunggu sampe weekend. akhirnya diskusi dan tugas banyak dilakukan di malam hari, lewat yahoo messenger (belakangan lewat blackberry group sih). untuk internetan di rumah, rata2 pakai.. salah satu operator. g sendiri, punya lebih dari 1 provider, jadi kalo yg satu lagi lambat gak karuan, masih ada yg lain. (maklum, aye kerja di operator, jadi ya kudu lebi happening lah.

Bayangkan kalo gak punya internet di rumah, gak bisa diskusi tugas, apalagi kirim tugas. dan pastinya akan jadi org yang ketinggalan untuk informasi2 dari kampus yang selalu diinformasikan via email. Dan yang pasti nyusahin anggota team mu kalo tugas bagian mu harus nunggu besok harinya, dikirim via email kantor, padahal harus kumpulin di sore harinya. Internet kantor emank membantu, tapi pake di luar jam kerja aja uda di tanyain (bos gue nyebelin).

Yet again, semua berbalik lagi sama pengguna. Walau telpon, sms, data bisa dengan gampangnya dimiliki oleh setiap org (ngomongin org yg tinggal di kota yaa, bukan desa antah berantah). if u dont know how and when to utilize it, no use. Ibarat emak2 baheula bbrp taon lalu yg dengan bangganya bawa2 handphone communicator yang segede botol aer, tp pas di tanya ternyata cuman dipake buat telpon dan sms doank. Krik..krik…. krik… berat2in tas aja Bu

tapi bagaimana dengan org yg ga gaptek tapi juga gak utilize telpon di waktu yg tepat? Walhasil: dodoldotcom. Ini contohnya:

Alkisah, g sudah masuk trimester 4, setiap trimester ada 3 kelas, setiap senen rabu jumat. So hari pertama kuliah di trimester 4, datanglah gue di hari senin. Macet dari mega kuningan sampe dengan TB simatupang, tibalah gue di kampus sejam-an kemudian. Jam menunjukkan 6.25 PM. berjalanlah gue ke foodhall, di mana biasanya pada ngumpul di sana (makan gratis). Food hall rame... tp gak ada wajah yang kukenal. jangan2 uda pada masuk kelas.

ku ambil telpon, mo nanya kelas nya di ruangan mana sama temen.

krink krink...

LC: "vid, ruangannya di mana?"

V:"di mana loe?"

LC"masi di koperasi, beli minum dulu"

V" loe ambil kelas VBM juga kan?? itu kan mulainya besok, hari ini kan gak ada kelas"


Ternyata di trimester 4 ini, kelas kuliahku adalah selasa kamis jumat. …….

Punya 2 handphone? tetep aja di ketawain sama anak2 dikeesokkan harinya. “mangkanya kalo punya telpon, dipake dunk, jangan cuma menang keren doank” @_@

Moral of the day: got phone? Use it well

Senin, 15 November 2010

Marriage to LC

This thread is copy paste by LC from LC-Friendster Blog 15 November 2007 - Thursday.

Marriage is the most sacred thing to do with ur special some1.

It involves Love, Joy, Sacrifice, Compromise, and Appreciation.
Commitment in marriage is never easy, that’s why it’s precious. Don’t ever think about marrying some1 if u’re not ready to commit, u will hurt GOD.


Love her … as your special person, forever. But the most important is to love her as a person
created by God Himself, for you. So keep her safe, treat her right. Love her unconditionally, like the way God always loves u.


Enjoy every minute of ur life with her, even in the darkest moment of your life, coz even life become so worse, u still have ur special some1 to share with by ur side.


Compromise, accept her for the way she is, all her flaws, all her quirky, all the bad things that she’s done or will do. Compromise if she sometimes loves to do things that u don’t really like. coz sometimes, if u rethink it, non of it really matter.


Sacrifice the things that u usually have such as the habit that she doesn’t like, the spare time that u usually have it all for urself, the freedom to do anything at anytime u want.


Appreciate all little things that she does for you, like a cute email that she send just to say I miss u. Like cooks that she made even though she can’t cook and taste bad. Like small kiss on ur cheek, or forehead.

And.. also appreciate that she needs to have personal quality time all for herself, personal things that she has to keep by herself, personal stuff that’s limited for u to see, marriage doesn’t mean u own her nor everything that she own, marriage mean sharing, not having.

Consider your partner like sands in ur hand;
If you open your hands too wide, wind will blow her away. On the contrary, if u hold it too tight, you will still have her, but just a lil bit of her, small part of her, coz most of it manage to get
out from your hand and also blown away by wind.
What u should do it’s to hold her rite, not too tight, not too loose.

Well, hard to do all of this coz human is human after all.
Most of the time, u’ll be all selfish, all about wanting to get the compromise, wanting ur partner to be the 1 who sacrifice, etc etc etc.

So… remember this 1 thing,

Balance is perfection.